Our Family-Our Story,
Tab, Jonathan, Tate and Rhett.
Jonathan was born and raised in Atmore, AL. He moved to TN for work, but eventually ended back to Sweet Home Alabama.
I (Tab) was born in Evansville, IN. We moved around a bit, but ended up in Montgomery, AL when I was around 8yrs old.
Jonathan and I met in 2001 at church. I tell people God just set him right in the church pew for me (smile). His first words to me were, "Nice mittens" as he shook my hand.
We started dating a year later and married on Sep. 04, 2004.
In the summer of 2006 Jonathan was laid off from his job and was told about a possible job opportunity in Greenville, SC. That weekend we went to SC and Jonathan was hired on Monday. God provides!
We sold our first home in Prattville, AL and moved to the Greenville, SC area.
In Nov. 2007 Tate Samuel was born and in April 2011 Rhett James was born.
We live in Taylors, SC, have been married for 8yrs, I'm a stay at home mom and Jonathan works for Bosch.
We are Christians and members of the Taylors Church of Christ.
I have always been touched by adoption, but never thought it would be possible for our family. After Jonathan and I talked about having another child, we decided on adoption. We have and are praying that God will allow this to be possible, if it be his will for us to add another little soul to our family.
“A man makes a plan in his heart, but God directs his path.”
Proverbs 16:9
Proverbs 16:9
We are prepared for this to be a long and exciting road ahead, but know we have many friends and family praying for us.
This blog is to share our journey to our next child and we will add more info as we receive it.
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