This morning Tate was in his 100 questions per minute mood.
But, this time it didn't drive my mommy nerves mad because he wasn't just being his silly self. His little face looked concerned. His little heart was touched and his mind was going 100mph thinking about orphans.
At one point he asked me this,
Tate- Mommy, is it ok if my sister doesn't look like us?
Me- Yes, it is. Even if some people feel it might not be. Because God made us all different and that is how God wants us to be.
I said, look at a rainbow. Can you imagine if God made the rainbow only yellow or only blue? God made it many colors for a reason. He made it many colors because we need to see how beautiful it is. That way we are reminded of how much God loves us and the promise behind the rainbow.
His little mind was just thinking.....
A few minutes later he called me into the room where he was drawing on the computer.
He said with an excited little voice, Mommy this is my rainbow! Me, My Sister and Rhett!
He was proud of his art work and his mommy is proud of his heart.
That is so sweet. I love your beautiful rainbow, Tate!! We are praying for you all.
Amber Hilt &
How sweet.